???? ????. ???? Happy Spring everyone!
We’re meeting in person at Spanish Diner
We’re happy to be back meeting in person at Spanish Diner on Thursdays mornings, 8-9 AM, with social time starting at 7:30 AM. There is a zoom option available for those who prefer it, either due to health reasons or their travel schedule.
Our Program Committee continues to schedule terrific speakers, including Robyn Neitert, president of Women’s Microfinance Initiative on March 3; Sarah Cooney, Round House Theatre’s Associate Artist of Casting and Producing on March 17; Dr. Kristen Lycett, Executive director of Phillips Wharf on oyster restoration in the Chesapeake Bay on March 24; Anthony “Wordsmith” Parker, musician, performer and philanthropist on March 31; Susan Soderberg, public historian on Josiah Henson on April 14; and Alex Roberson on the Smithsonian. National Air and Space Museum Transformation Project on April 28. We are fortunate to have such outstanding speakers!
In-Person Social Events
Mark your calendar: We’re planning April 23 for our annual Holiday Party! This is a +1 event. Keep your eye on the Weekly Wheel for more details.
Service Projects
On March 26, we are back to in-person apartment setups for refugees! Contact Ellen Singer for details. Also, watch for the opportunity to participate in Nourishing Bethesda’s weekly food distribution at BCC Rescue Squad. We help out about once a month. Reed will announce details.
Youth Programs
Kallie has kept our Interactors busy with lots of projects! At the end of February, members helped sort clothing and household goods at the Interfaith Clothing Center. Interactors will socialize with seniors at the Landow building on March 20.
Upcoming Fundraisers – Two Big Ones
- Sunday, May 22: The Nesfield Performance 5K at BCC High School. Member Tiffany Nesfield is organizing this event in partnership with the Spirit Club Foundation. The purpose is to advance our shared goals of promoting fitness, inclusivity, and community. Part of the proceeds will go to the MBR Foundation. Sign up to volunteer, participate or sponsor!
- Thursday, September 22: The Purple Tee Golf Classic! Planning is already underway for this major club fundraiser for the MBR Foundation and two great vets organizations, The Salute Military Golf Association and Reuniting After War. We need everyone’s help to make the Purple Tee happen and you don’t need to be a golfer to participate! So be sure to volunteer, golf, or sponsor this great day of golf and fellowship. You’ll hear much more about this event in the upcoming months.
Rotary Means Business!
Our new Rotary Means Business group is well underway. Interested? Contact Erika.
Movie Nights continue!
Every Tuesday at 7:30 pm the group discusses the film they watched on their own time the week before. See the calendar for upcoming films.
Enjoy the warming weather and spectacular blossoms!