????????????☕️????Welcome back from summer everyone! 

We’re meeting in person at Spanish Diner
We’re happy to be meeting in person at Spanish Diner on Thursdays mornings, 8-9 AM, with social time starting at 7:30 AM. There is a zoom option available for those who prefer it, either due to health reasons or their travel schedule.

Upcoming Speakers
Sept. 8: Alan Gregerman, Author Podcaster speaking on Innovation, Invention and Employee Engagement
Sept. 15: Jishnu Das, Professor, Georgetown University speaking on Quality of Care in Low-Income Countries
Sept. 29: Andrew Imbrie, Associate Professor, Georgetown University speaking on War, Peace, and Democracy in the AGe of Artificial Intelligence
Oct. 6: MBR member Arianna Ross, Story Tapestries speaking on Arts in the Community: The Impact, Challenges, and Needs
Oct. 13: Dr. Sean McAlister, District Governor, District 7620

We are fortunate to have such outstanding speakers!

In-Person Social Events
Mark your calendar: We’re planning to celebrate Oktoberfest on October 20 at the Right Proper Brewing Company, owned by Thor Cheston, son of our very own MBR friend Arlene Cheston. Contact David Searby if interested.

Service Projects
October 15: we are back to in-person apartment setups for refugees! Contact Ellen Singer if you’d like to help out this time.
Also, watch for the opportunity to participate in Nourishing Bethesda’s weekly food distribution at BCC Rescue Squad. We help out about once a month. Reed will announce details.
October 15 is also the deadline for Fall Cycle Grant Applications for the MBR Foundation.
October 24 is Rotary International World Polio Day!

Youth Programs
Kallie has kept our Interact Club busy with lots of projects! On October 22, Interact will meet at Glen Hills Local Park for an afternoon of helping to control non-native invasive plants. On November 20, Interact are partnering with Small Things Matter for the second annual meal preparation and Thanksgiving meal delivery. MBR members are invited to attend!

Thursday, September 22: The Purple Tee Golf Classic! We’re so excited for this major club fundraiser for the MBR Foundation and The Salute Military Golf Association. Fingers crossed for good weather!

Rotary Means Business!
Our Rotary Means Business group meets monthly. Interested? Contact Luke Van Sant or Erika Dickstein.

Movie Nights continue!
Every Tuesday at 7:30 pm the group discusses the film they watched on their own time the week before. See the calendar for upcoming films.

Enjoy the crisp fall weather!