We ❤️ MBR! Here’s what’s coming up in February for MBR:
We’re continuing our fundraising for Head Start. We’re coordinating a fundraising drive for books, and we’re well on our way to the $5,000 match goal. You can help by making a contribution here.
We’ve got several interesting speakers scheduled for this month: District Governor Designate Delores Edwards Harding (Feb. 4); travel media entrepreneur Darley Newman (Feb. 11); MoCo Council VP Gabe Albornoz (Feb. 18); and Lisa LaFontaine and Joan Rogers on pets during COVID (Feb. 25).
Thu., Feb. 11 is Guest Day! Please invite anyone you think might enjoy the meeting, or who might be interested in joining the Club. Also, look for an Interest & Skills Inventory from the Service Committee.
Thu., Feb. 25 is Family Pet Day! Bring your pet to your breakout room. Funny pet photos are welcome. Our speakers will talk about pet adoption and training.
Many of us are craving in-person social interaction with Club members. Join us for our first Fireside Chat on Sun., Feb. 21 from 2-5 pm. Enjoy some socially-distanced time with your fellow members at David Searby’s home. A different nonprofit will be available to talk at each fire pit.
Rotarians for the Equality of Black People – this Social Justice committee works with the Rotary Club of Washington, DC to help eradicate systemic racism. Meetings are every other week (Feb. 12 & 26) at 6 pm.
Travel Tales (and ‘Tails) will gather (virtually) on Feb. 4 and Feb. 18.
Last but definitely not least, congratulations to Erika Dickstein on her unanimous election to serve as president-elect in 2021-22 and become our president in July 2022. We are very grateful for her willingness to serve.
Happy February!