Upcoming Events

Metro Bethesda Weekly Club Meeting
Speaker: Paul Schurick
Topic: Oyster Restoration in the Chesapeake Bay: a Role for Everyone
March 27th 2025 7:30 am
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Metro Bethesda Weekly Club Meeting
April 3rd 2025 7:30 am
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Metro Bethesda Weekly Club Meeting
April 10th 2025 7:30 am
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Metro Bethesda Weekly Club Meeting
April 17th 2025 7:30 am
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Metro Bethesda Weekly Club Meeting
April 24th 2025 7:30 am
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Metro Bethesda Weekly Club Meeting
May 1st 2025 7:30 am
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Metro Bethesda Weekly Club Meeting
May 8th 2025 7:30 am
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Metro Bethesda Weekly Club Meeting
May 15th 2025 7:30 am
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Metro Bethesda Weekly Club Meeting
May 22nd 2025 7:30 am
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Metro Bethesda Weekly Club Meeting
May 29th 2025 7:30 am
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Metro Bethesda Weekly Club Meeting
June 5th 2025 7:30 am
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Metro Bethesda Weekly Club Meeting
June 12th 2025 7:30 am
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Metro Bethesda Weekly Club Meeting
June 19th 2025 7:30 am
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What’s Big at MBR

What’s Doing @MBR in Nov & Dec 2021

Happy Holiday Season! 

We’re meeting in person on Thursday mornings at Spanish Diner in Bethesda
Meetings are 8-9 AM, with social time starting at 7:30 AM. A Zoom option is available for those who cannot attend in person. There is no official meeting scheduled for Thanksgiving, but interested members can gather for coffee at Philz down the street from Spanish Diner.

Service Projects
Nov. 5: Nourishing Bethesda food distribution at BCC Rescue Squad
Nov. 7: Mt. Zion Cemetery Cleanup
Nov. 13: Refugee apartment setup
Nov. 20: Thanksgiving Meal distribution for those in need. An annual tradition in partnership with the Bethesda Chevy Chase Rotary Club. Almost 200 families to be served!
Dec. 3: Nourishing Bethesda food distribution at BCC Rescue Squad
Dec. 12: Volunteer with A Wider Circle

Social Events
Dec. 11: Day Trip to Richmond for a special group tour of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
Dec. 16: Annual Ugly Sweater Contest! Wear your favorite holiday-themed ugly sweater!

Upcoming Speakers
Our Program Committee has arranged some great speakers, including Peter Trippi, editor in chief of Art Connoisseur Magazine (Nov 4); journalist Sanford Unger (Nov. 11);  Lina Sergie Attar of the Karam Foundation; author and musician Adrian Loving (Dec. 9); and Bethesda Magazine owner Scott Copeland (Dec. 16). Check our Calendar of Events for the latest schedule.

Collections – we’ve got several going this month!
For the Girls: We have worked occasionally with For the Girls, an organization that collects gently-used bras and unopened packages of feminine hygiene products. These items are distributed to women who do not have access to such products. Feel free to bring your items to a Thursday meeting and they will be collected by Erika.

Help Provide Gifts and Winter Gear: We are partnering with the Greater Bethesda Chamber of Commerce (where Allie is the director and Russell is president of the board) to raise money for purchasing gifts and needed winter gear. These items will be distributed for the next 5 Fridays to those who drive through to pick up food at the BCC Rescue Squad.

The Interact Club of Metro Bethesda requests your generous donation of new TOYS for their December service project with Angels for Children. A drop-off box will be available at our MBR meetings. Interactors will be wrapping the toys received so they can be delivered to less fortunate children residing at Montgomery Housing Partnership’s apartments in Wheaton. This is the 23rd year of operation of the Angels for Children toy drive and the 2nd year of our Interactors’ participation with this program.

Movie Nights continue!
Every Tuesday at 7:30 pm the group discusses the film they watched on their own time the week before. See the calendar for upcoming films.

Have a great holiday season, everyone!

What’s Doing @MBR in September & October

We’re resuming in-person meetings at Spanish Diner!
Exciting news as we move into the fall season! Starting Thursday, September 2, we’re resuming in-person meetings at the Spanish Diner, the restaurant that replaced our old home, Jaleo, in downtown Bethesda. Meetings run from 8-9 am, with social time from 7:30 to 8 am. The Spanish Diner requires all customers to provide proof of vaccination and wear masks. All members will receive an invoice for $60 for the month of September. Please RSVP for the meetings so there is enough food prepared for everyone.

Helping Afghan Refugees
We’ve all watched the terrible events in Afghanistan with great concern, and MBR wants to help. For starters, a $3K grant for Lutheran Social Services has been approved by the MBR Foundation Board to help with local Afghan family apartment setup. If you’d like to supplement the grant, you can donate at this link by September 2. More opportunities to support refugee families will be forthcoming.

Collections in September:
We will be collecting used computers and (working) sewing machines to donate to families in need via local nonprofit KindWorks. More details in your Weekly Wheel.

Upcoming Speakers
Our Program Committee has arranged some great speakers, including Rotary District Governor Elect Geetha Jayaram (Sept 2) and Drs. Bryan Traynor and Rosario Vasta on ALS (Sept 9). Check our Calendar of Events for the latest schedule.

Nourishing Bethesda Food Distribution
On Friday, September 10 from 12-2 pm, join other Club members at the BCC Rescue Squad for Nourishing Bethesda’s food distribution event to put food into bags and distribute at a “drive-through.” All work is outside. Bring a mask. Direction is provided by Nourish Now; other community volunteers will be there.

Take Me Out To the Ball Game!
We’re planning a trip to the baseball game at Nats Park on Sept. 13. Contact David Searby for tickets.

Purple Tee Golf Classic on Sept 23!
The Purple Tee Golf Classic is coming up soon! September 23 is the big day in case you haven’t heard 🙂 Be sure to sign up to play, sponsor a golfer, or volunteer. Sign up to golf or sponsor at birdease.com/MetroBethesdaPurpleTee2021. Contact Alan Schulman or Lyn Culver for more details.

Silent Auction is Open for Bidding
And more on the Purple Tee: don’t miss our online Silent Auction! There are some really great items such as vacation homes in Greece and Utah, professional services, restaurant gift cards, lottery tickets, and more. Visit the auction site at charityauction.bid/purpletee and bid early and often!

Movie Nights continue, but now on Tuesdays!
Every Tuesday at 7:30 pm the group discusses the film they watched on their own time the week before. See the calendar for upcoming films.

Happy fall!

What’s Doing @MBR in July & August

July is the month we say Happy Rotary New Year! Thank you to outgoing president Clara Montanez, who successfully guided us through a year of Zoom meetings, social events, and service projects. Mark Rom is our new president and Erika Dickstein is our new President-Elect. Congrats to all as they take on their new responsibilities.

And here’s more good Rotary news: we’re resuming in-person meetings! Starting July 1, the Club will meet at the BCC Rescue Squad for the next few meetings. Their spacious meeting room accommodates us all with social distancing and allows for our tech set-up so we can still offer a zoom option for those who would prefer to attend remotely. Breakfast is provided by Bethesda Bagels. $15/person at the door. All those attending should be fully vaccinated.

As usual, our Program Committee has arranged some great speakers, including Eve Chauchard, President of the Comité Tricolore, member Akhil Maheshwari from the Global Newborn Society, author JoAnn Hill, and Wendy Kaufman of the Bethesda Historical Society.

Planning for the 15th annual Purple Tee Golf Classic is in full swing! (See what I did there?) Be sure to sign up to golf, sponsor, or volunteer on September 23. Donate an auction item too. Much more about this in the months to come.

On July 12, MBR is holding a social event at the Big Train Baseball Game. Join for dinner and a great time.

We will be collecting for all of July to benefit Manna Food Center. Bring your cans of TUNA, SALMON or CHICKEN to the weekly meeting.

Movie Nights continue! Every Monday at 7:30 pm the group discusses the film they watched on their own time the week before. See the calendar for upcoming films.

Stay cool!

What’s Doing @MBR in May & June 2021

Here’s what’s on tap for MBR in May & June:

We’ve got some interesting speakers scheduled, including Diana Yousef of change: WATER Labs (May 6), Robin Givhan from the Washington Post (May 13), and Melissa Chiu, director of the Smithsonian’s Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden (May 20).

A team of MBR volunteers will volunteer for the Nourishing Bethesda food distribution project at the BCC Rescue Squad on Friday, May 14. See Ellen Singer for more details.

Join us on May 22 (rain date May 23) for a socially distanced social event at the home of Bob and Elizabeth Margolis in St. Michaels, MD. Check your Weekly Wheel for signup information.

On June 5, MBR will do a service event with Rock Creek Nature Conservancy, 10:00-12:00 noon. To sign up click on Invasive Removal – Trail 9 Please consider making a $25 donation if possible to the Conservancy.

Rotarians for the Equality of Black People – this Social Justice committee works with the Rotary Club of Washington, DC to help eradicate systemic racism. Meetings are every other Tuesday at 6 pm (May 18, June 1, June 15).

We’re viewing and discussing classic films every Monday at Rotary at the Movies: May 10: Pather Panchali; May 17: Ninotchka; May 24: All About My Mother; May 31: Burnt by the Sun. View the film at your convenience the week before, then join us at 7:30 pm for discussion.

Congratulations to Russell Lacey and his bride Xan!! Russell is also the incoming Chair of the Board for the Greater Bethesda Chamber of Commerce.

Congratulations to Ellie Gill who just received a Graduate Certificate in International Studies from Howard University Graduate School!!

Happy Cicada-spotting!