Upcoming Events

Metro Bethesda Weekly Club Meeting
Speaker: Paul Schurick
Topic: Oyster Restoration in the Chesapeake Bay: a Role for Everyone
March 27th 2025 7:30 am
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Metro Bethesda Weekly Club Meeting
April 3rd 2025 7:30 am
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Metro Bethesda Weekly Club Meeting
April 10th 2025 7:30 am
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Metro Bethesda Weekly Club Meeting
April 17th 2025 7:30 am
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Metro Bethesda Weekly Club Meeting
April 24th 2025 7:30 am
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Metro Bethesda Weekly Club Meeting
May 1st 2025 7:30 am
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Metro Bethesda Weekly Club Meeting
May 8th 2025 7:30 am
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Metro Bethesda Weekly Club Meeting
May 15th 2025 7:30 am
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Metro Bethesda Weekly Club Meeting
May 22nd 2025 7:30 am
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Metro Bethesda Weekly Club Meeting
May 29th 2025 7:30 am
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Metro Bethesda Weekly Club Meeting
June 5th 2025 7:30 am
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Metro Bethesda Weekly Club Meeting
June 12th 2025 7:30 am
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Metro Bethesda Weekly Club Meeting
June 19th 2025 7:30 am
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What’s Big at MBR

$1 Million+ Project for Humanitarian Aid in Ukraine

Metro Bethesda Rotary has recently been the catalyst for a major humanitarian assistance project in Ukraine. Club members have spearheaded the purchase and delivery of more than $1 million of medical supplies and equipment to the front lines of the war and wherever else it’s needed. We’ve been partnering with United Help Ukraine, a nonprofit run by local Ukrainian ex-pats who themselves have raised $40 million this year, along with the Lviv International Rotary Club, who are our eyes and ears on the ground in Ukraine. MBR Club leaders Barton Goldenberg and Daniel Fischer are leading the effort, on behalf of District 7620, to execute the project utilizing a special Rotary International fund dedicated to Ukraine aid. Importantly, they have made it turnkey for club members to participate in funding the purchase of supplies, packing boxes of materials, and cheering on the drive.

Barton and Daniel have each dedicated more than 400 hours to the project, working around the clock with international time differences, but feeling amazingly gratified at what’s been accomplished. “This is the epitome and power of Rotary,” said Barton, a former Rotary District Governor who has been instrumental in procuring international support. Added Daniel, “It’s been gratifying bringing together Rotarians from around the world, all unified to help Ukraine in its time of need. Our skilled team, including partners from Lviv International Club, UHU and District 6970 in Florida, have made this challenging initiative possible.”

Our club’s participation has transpired in several stages. Not surprisingly for a project this size, it has involved detailed requests for multiple Rotary Disaster Response grants, funds for which are donated to Rotary International by Rotarians, Clubs, and Districts.

  • Initially, in May/June 2022, our Club jump-started the project by collecting $25K in donations. We combined that with a Rotary Disaster Response grant for a total of $57K. With this funding, life-saving aid such as tourniquets, medicated gauze bandages, and other items for individual combat-like first aid were purchased and packed by Rotarians, shipped by UHU to Warsaw, and delivered to Lviv Rotarians.
  • For the second round in August/September, we brought together seven US Rotary Districts and received a $175K Disaster Response grant. With Rotary International allowing grantees to purchase outside the US, we included both ‘tactical’ items like those purchased earlier and sustainable hospital equipment. In high demand were portable wound closure machines costing over $3K each. We supplied ten of these machines to a hospital near the warfront.
  • In October, a $375K Rotary Disaster Response grant allowed us to expand the breadth and amount of goods purchased. About a third of the budget focused on sustainable equipment including portable x-ray equipment ($30K each), an anesthesia machine ($26K) and 15 wound closure machines. The majority of funds continue to go towards helping those wounded at the warfront survive long enough to receive full medical attention.
  • Most recently, working with 20 Rotary Districts from Florida to Finland, from Los Angeles to Norway, and from Iceland to India, the project was awarded $500K in funding. These 20 Districts represent over 40,000 Rotarians around the world. Beyond sending over additional medical supplies and equipment, our upcoming deliverables will include sub zero winter gear and water filtration systems providing potable water in areas where the water table has been polluted by petroleum and other heavy elements.

Our ongoing experience demonstrates what Rotary is all about: actively living “service above self” with expanding national and international collaboration.

We’d like to offer our gratitude to the many Rotarians who have supplied the project with funding, time, and know-how. It has made a significant difference to those in Ukraine who are the victims of unspeakable violence. We plan to continue the project as long as it is needed.

The project is still actively accepting donations. Click on the green Donate Now button at the top of the page. Thank you for your support!

What’s Doing @ MBR in September & October 2022

????????????☕️????Welcome back from summer everyone! 

We’re meeting in person at Spanish Diner
We’re happy to be meeting in person at Spanish Diner on Thursdays mornings, 8-9 AM, with social time starting at 7:30 AM. There is a zoom option available for those who prefer it, either due to health reasons or their travel schedule.

Upcoming Speakers
Sept. 8: Alan Gregerman, Author Podcaster speaking on Innovation, Invention and Employee Engagement
Sept. 15: Jishnu Das, Professor, Georgetown University speaking on Quality of Care in Low-Income Countries
Sept. 29: Andrew Imbrie, Associate Professor, Georgetown University speaking on War, Peace, and Democracy in the AGe of Artificial Intelligence
Oct. 6: MBR member Arianna Ross, Story Tapestries speaking on Arts in the Community: The Impact, Challenges, and Needs
Oct. 13: Dr. Sean McAlister, District Governor, District 7620

We are fortunate to have such outstanding speakers!

In-Person Social Events
Mark your calendar: We’re planning to celebrate Oktoberfest on October 20 at the Right Proper Brewing Company, owned by Thor Cheston, son of our very own MBR friend Arlene Cheston. Contact David Searby if interested.

Service Projects
October 15: we are back to in-person apartment setups for refugees! Contact Ellen Singer if you’d like to help out this time.
Also, watch for the opportunity to participate in Nourishing Bethesda’s weekly food distribution at BCC Rescue Squad. We help out about once a month. Reed will announce details.
October 15 is also the deadline for Fall Cycle Grant Applications for the MBR Foundation.
October 24 is Rotary International World Polio Day!

Youth Programs
Kallie has kept our Interact Club busy with lots of projects! On October 22, Interact will meet at Glen Hills Local Park for an afternoon of helping to control non-native invasive plants. On November 20, Interact are partnering with Small Things Matter for the second annual meal preparation and Thanksgiving meal delivery. MBR members are invited to attend!

Thursday, September 22: The Purple Tee Golf Classic! We’re so excited for this major club fundraiser for the MBR Foundation and The Salute Military Golf Association. Fingers crossed for good weather!

Rotary Means Business!
Our Rotary Means Business group meets monthly. Interested? Contact Luke Van Sant or Erika Dickstein.

Movie Nights continue!
Every Tuesday at 7:30 pm the group discusses the film they watched on their own time the week before. See the calendar for upcoming films.

Enjoy the crisp fall weather!

What’s Doing @MBR in March & April 2022

????   ????. ???? Happy Spring everyone! 

We’re meeting in person at Spanish Diner
We’re happy to be back meeting in person at Spanish Diner on Thursdays mornings, 8-9 AM, with social time starting at 7:30 AM. There is a zoom option available for those who prefer it, either due to health reasons or their travel schedule.

Our Program Committee continues to schedule terrific speakers, including Robyn Neitert, president of Women’s Microfinance Initiative on March 3; Sarah Cooney, Round House Theatre’s Associate Artist of Casting and Producing on March 17; Dr. Kristen Lycett, Executive director of Phillips Wharf on oyster restoration in the Chesapeake Bay on March 24; Anthony “Wordsmith” Parker, musician, performer and philanthropist on March 31; Susan Soderberg, public historian on Josiah Henson on April 14; and Alex Roberson on the Smithsonian. National Air and Space Museum Transformation Project on April 28. We are fortunate to have such outstanding speakers!

In-Person Social Events
Mark your calendar: We’re planning April 23 for our annual Holiday Party! This is a +1 event. Keep your eye on the Weekly Wheel for more details.

Service Projects
On March 26, we are back to in-person apartment setups for refugees! Contact Ellen Singer for details. Also, watch for the opportunity to participate in Nourishing Bethesda’s weekly food distribution at BCC Rescue Squad. We help out about once a month. Reed will announce details.

Youth Programs
Kallie has kept our Interactors busy with lots of projects! At the end of February, members helped sort clothing and household goods at the Interfaith Clothing Center. Interactors will socialize with seniors at the Landow building on March 20.

Upcoming Fundraisers – Two Big Ones

  • Sunday, May 22: The Nesfield Performance 5K at BCC High School. Member Tiffany Nesfield is organizing this event in partnership with the Spirit Club Foundation. The purpose is to advance our shared goals of promoting fitness, inclusivity, and community. Part of the proceeds will go to the MBR Foundation. Sign up to volunteer, participate or sponsor!
  • Thursday, September 22: The Purple Tee Golf Classic! Planning is already underway for this major club fundraiser for the MBR Foundation and two great vets organizations, The Salute Military Golf Association and Reuniting After War. We need everyone’s help to make the Purple Tee happen and you don’t need to be a golfer to participate! So be sure to volunteer, golf, or sponsor this great day of golf and fellowship. You’ll hear much more about this event in the upcoming months.

Rotary Means Business!
Our new Rotary Means Business group is well underway. Interested? Contact Erika.

Movie Nights continue!
Every Tuesday at 7:30 pm the group discusses the film they watched on their own time the week before. See the calendar for upcoming films.

Enjoy the warming weather and spectacular blossoms!

What’s Doing @MBR in Jan & Feb 2022

Happy New Year! 

To keep everyone safe and healthy, we’re moving back to Zoom meetings for the short term
Due to the spread of the omicron variant of COVID, we’re making a temporary return to virtual meetings for the month of January. We will assess the situation in February. The Zoom link for the meeting link will be sent out to all members a day or two before the meeting. We still meet every Thursday morning from 8-9 AM, with social time starting at 7:30 AM.

Mt. Zion Cemetery Project
An update on an important project for our Club: MBR member Ellie Gill has taken a leadership role to coordinate our Club’s effort with Rotary Club of Washington, DC to help restore and preserve historical Mt Zion Cemetery in Georgetown. Mt. Zion Methodist Church is the oldest Black church in Washington, and its cemetery is one of the most historic Black cemeteries in DC. In the 19th century, there were over 6000 burials there, but the cemetery long ago fell into disrepair and now only about 310 markers have been recovered and identified. To add to its history, it’s highly likely that the cemetery was a key stop on the Underground Railroad. Over the past year, members of our Rotary Clubs have been doing regular cleanup projects at the cemetery. Now the Clubs have joined forces to fund a new storage shed that will provide secure storage for tools and supplies used by volunteer groups to restore and preserve the Cemetery grounds and stone artifacts. The availability of a shed enables tools and supplies to be removed from the cemetery vault – the vault is an important element of cemetery and underground railroad history and is featured in education programs. Rotarians and other volunteers will assemble the shed in early 2022. MBR will continue to support Mt. Zion’s restoration and cleanup work in 2022. Our next planned cleanup is January 16.

In-Person Social Events Postponed
Our January 8 Whiskey Fundraiser and January 22 Post-Holiday Party have been postponed until we can gather safely indoors. Keep an eye out for an announcement for an outdoor firepit get-together.

Upcoming Speakers
Our Program Committee has arranged some great speakers, including Isidre Sala, liaison between Catalonia and the US (Jan 13); scientist, artist, and author Bulent Atalay (Jan 20); and author Nicole Bell (Jan 27). Check our Calendar of Events for the latest schedule.

Club President 2023-24
We are looking for nominees to be president-elect in 2022-23 and advance to club president in 2023-24. To apply, you must have been a member of MBR for at least one year and have served on the board or done similar service. Deadline to express interest: January 20th

Purple Teaser #1: Long Weekend at Bethany Beach!
The Purple Tee Golf Tournament is our biggest fundraiser of the year, and to raise even more, we’re trying something new – offering raffle items, Purple Teasers, throughout the year. The first Purple Teaser 2022 raffle item is a long weekend in a lovely ocean block Bethany Beach, Delaware home (February, March, or April only). $25 tickets can be purchased by MBR members ONLY until January 20, with the drawing held during the January 20 meeting. View and bid at charityauction.bid/PurpleTeaser

Movie Nights continue!
Every Tuesday at 7:30 pm the group discusses the film they watched on their own time the week before. See the calendar for upcoming films.

Stay safe, everyone!